Security & Compliance

Microsoft Office 365 run support for Security & Compliance ensures that your organization’s data and operations are protected and aligned with regulatory requirements. With a focus on safeguarding sensitive information and ensuring adherence to industry standards, our comprehensive support services include implementing robust security measures, monitoring for threats and vulnerabilities, and managing compliance audits and reporting. Trust us to provide expert guidance and assistance to help you maintain a secure and compliant Office 365 environment, giving you peace of mind and allowing you to focus on driving your business forward.

M365Run specializes in Microsoft Office 365 run support for Security & Compliance, ensuring your organization’s data remains protected and compliant. With our expertise, we implement robust security measures and monitor for threats, vulnerabilities, and compliance requirements within your Office 365 environment. Trust M365Run to provide expert guidance and support, allowing you to maintain a secure and compliant Office 365 environment while focusing on your core business objectives.

Security & Compliance by us

At M365Run, we understand the critical importance of data security and regulatory compliance in today’s digital landscape. Our team of experienced professionals is dedicated to providing proactive monitoring, rapid response to security incidents, and comprehensive compliance management services tailored to your specific industry requirements. With M365Run as your trusted partner, you can rest assured that your Office 365 environment is secure, compliant, and fully optimized for your business needs.

Threat Detection

Data Loss Prevention (DLP)

Identity Management


Compliance Reporting

Information Governance

Advanced Threat Protection (ATP)

Incident Response

Threat Detection

Constantly monitor your Microsoft Office 365 environment for potential security threats, including malware, phishing attempts, and unauthorized access, to ensure timely detection and response.

Data Loss Prevention (DLP)

Implement policies and controls to prevent sensitive data from being leaked or accessed by unauthorized users, ensuring compliance with regulations and protecting your organization’s valuable information.

Identity Management

Manage user identities and access controls within your Office 365 environment to prevent unauthorized access and enforce strong authentication measures, safeguarding against identity theft and account compromise.


Encrypt data both at rest and in transit within your Office 365 environment to protect it from unauthorized access and ensure compliance with data protection regulations.

Compliance Reporting

Generate comprehensive reports and audits to demonstrate compliance with industry regulations and standards, providing transparency and accountability to stakeholders and regulatory bodies.

Information Governance

Establish policies and procedures for managing and governing your organization’s information assets within Office 365, ensuring proper retention, disposition, and compliance with legal and regulatory requirements.

Advanced Threat Protection (ATP)

Utilize advanced security features such as ATP to proactively defend against sophisticated cyber threats, including zero-day attacks, ransomware, and other malicious activities targeting your Office 365 environment.

Incident Response

Develop and implement incident response plans and procedures to effectively mitigate security incidents and minimize their impact on your organization’s operations and reputation.