We Are

Specializes in comprehensive Microsoft Office 365 services and support, including M365 Run, Migration, Security and Compliance, Low Code No Code with Power Platform, AI and Copilot, Business Application Module, and CSP-MS License sales. Trusted by businesses for seamless integration and expert assistance, M365RUN is your go-to partner for maximizing productivity and efficiency within the Microsoft 365 ecosystem.

M365 Run: Ensuring smooth operations.
Migration: Seamlessly transition to Office 365.
Security: Protect data, ensure compliance.
Low Code/ No Code: Simplified development.
AI & Copilot: Boosting productivity with AI.
Business Apps: Tailored tools for needs.
License: Flexible licensing solutions.
Expert Support: Full Office 365 assistance.

About Us

At M365RUN, we pride ourselves on delivering top-notch Microsoft Office 365 services and support. With a plethora of satisfied clients and affiliated companies, we are committed to ensuring seamless operations for businesses of all sizes. As proud partners of Microsoft’s StartUp Program, we offer a comprehensive suite of services, including M365 Run, Migration, Security and Compliance, Low Code No Code with Power Platform, AI and Copilot, Business Application Module, and CSP-MS License sales. Our expertise and dedication make us the go-to choice for businesses seeking optimized performance and efficiency within the Microsoft 365 ecosystem.

Our team

Tathagata Saha

Founder & CEO

Arpan Bala

Software Engineer

Debdutta Das

Software Engineer

Suman Jana

Software Engineer

Our promises

Seamless Integration

Robust Security

Compliance Assurance

Enhanced Productivity

Reliable Support

Scalability and Growth

Continuous Improvement

Transparent Communication

Our clients